4 Homes of Hope/Konstanz, Germany

We support the construction of four houses of hope in Konstanz at the Bodensee/Germany with a financial contribution. The houses of hope are a project of the HoffnungstrÀgerstiftung https://hoffnungstraeger.de/was-machen-wir/hoffnungshaeuser/. The Houses of Hope will offer refugee families a place to stay as part of a project for integrative living and thus also get the chance to find their way around in our society better than in the usual municipal homeless shelters. This will also give the refugee children better opportunities to take advantage of their educational opportunities in Germany.

The four Hope Houses have now been completed since the middle of 2021. In the meantime, almost all apartments are inhabited. A total of 44 residents from 8 nations, aged 3 - 72 years, have transformed the Hope Houses into a lively place, a lively community.