Of course we welcome donations at any time against a donation receipt by transfer to the current account of the T+ H Hoene Foundation at the Kreissparkasse Böblingen with the IBAN DE17 6035 0130 0001 1098 14. Please indicate your address and the purpose of the transfer with the addition "donation" for the donation receipt.
Donations to our foundation capital are also welcome. When transferring the endowment amount to the foundation's current account at the Kreissparkasse Böblingen with IBAN DE17 6035 0130 0001 1098 14, please indicate "endowment" in the reason for payment next to your address. You will receive a donation receipt and a certificate of endowment. In addition, we will keep you regularly informed about the activities of the foundation. You will also be invited to our events.
If you want to support one or more of your own projects by name, but do not wish to set up a foundation of your own, we offer you the option of a dependent trust foundation. In this case, T+H Hoene Stiftung acts as your trustee, keeps the assets you have donated separate and manages them according to your instructions in close cooperation with you. In this case, we kindly ask you to contact us personally, also via our contact form, which you will find on this website.
Thank You!

We would like to thank you very much for every support, whether financial or in any other way!